The thyroid gland is the most crucial gland when it comes to regulating the speed of metabolism. Its overactivity causes over-speeding, leading to weight loss, hyperactive heart, anxiety, and a shaking body. Its hypoactivity slows down everything, causing weight gain, depression, brain fog, and fatigue.
Red light therapy is among the safe ways to fine-tune thyroid gland activity without risking any side effects.
Regulating the thyroid gland is essential to maintaining optimal energy levels, body weight, and mood. It is vital to ensure that it is working optimally.
Fortunately, severe thyroid issues are rare now. Thyroid function significantly depends on dietary iodine supply. Since many foods, especially table salt, are iodine-fortified, the incidence of severe thyroid issues has declined since the middle of the last century.

Though severe thyroid issues might be uncommon, mild hypothyroidism is not rare. Even in developed regions like the EU and the US, 3-6% of the population is living with hypothyroidism.[1]
Anyone experiencing issues like declining energy levels, chronic fatigue, weight gain, or lack of mental clarity must think about thyroid health.
Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s Disease
Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease are related and yet different conditions. Hypothyroidism, as the name suggests, means low thyroid activity. This low activity level could be due to many reasons. However, Hashimoto’s disease is among the leading causes of hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism results in low production of thyroid hormones, which significantly slows down metabolic rate, resulting in weight gain, water retention, chronic fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, dry and cold skin, and depression.
Hypothyroidism may happen due to nutritional deficiencies, due to medications, genetic reasons, and autoimmune disorders. Among autoimmune disorders, Hashimoto’s disease is the leading cause of hypothyroidism.
Detecting hypothyroidism is not challenging, as lab tests can readily measure thyroid hormone levels. However, treating hypothyroidism is very challenging.
Hypothyroidism occurs due to multiple reasons like genetic issues, the loss of thyroid hormone-producing cells, or even due to autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s. In many instances, completely reversing hypothyroidism is not possible.
It means that those living with inadequate thyroid function need to manage their condition constantly. There are many ways to manage the condition. Doctors would often prescribe hormone replacement therapy.
Hormone replacement therapy may help alleviate symptoms of hypothyroidism, but it does not cure the condition. It means most people continue to live with the condition for the rest of their lives.
Hence, exploring non-pharmacological means of boosting energy levels and thyroid health is vital. Red light therapy is one such safe and novel way to enhance thyroid health and overcome symptoms of hypothyroidism.

What is Red Light Therapy?
Red light therapy, also known by other names like low-level laser therapy (LLLT), photobiomodulation (PBM), or low-level light therapy (LLLT), is a way of using high frequency near infra-red light to modulate cellular functions and enhance regenerative processes.
Since it is a low-frequency light, it has an excellent ability to penetrate deep inside the tissues. That is why it is not just good for superficial issues but also helps modulate the working of deeper body organs.
Red light therapy generally uses a wavelength of 630 to 880 nanometers. A massive number of studies show that this specific wavelength is especially good for photo modulation and enhancing cellular energy production. This wavelength is also good for managing mitochondrial dysfunction.
What is good about red light therapy is that it can be readily carried out at home, and it is safe for prolonged and regular use.
Since photobiomodulation can alter metabolism rates and immune responses, it is good for modulating thyroid activity. It is also incredibly good for overcoming signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and boosting energy levels.
Red Light Therapy & Thyroid Health
In recent times, there has been much interest in using red light therapy to boost thyroid health. Studies show that red light helps. What is good about red light therapy is that it can even alter the course of thyroid disorders.
Thus, researchers have recently tested red light therapy in autoimmune thyroiditis. They found that regular use of red light therapy altered immune responses and boosted thyroid function.[2]
One of the scientific investigations demonstrated that those who used red light therapy regularly for 30 days reported higher energy levels and increased thyroid hormone levels. Such individuals could even reduce the dose of levothyroxine, a hormonal drug used to treat hypothyroidism. The study also found that red light therapy helped alter immune responses and thus benefit those living with autoimmunity.[2]
Studies show that thyroid gland cells start dying due to poor blood supply. However, red light therapy also promotes blood flow to the thyroid gland. One of the studies found that regularly using red light therapy stimulates the formation of new blood vessels in the gland. This is another way in which red light therapy may help boost thyroid health.[3]
Finally, it is vital to understand that one does not have to be living with some severe thyroid issue to use red light therapy. One can even use it to boost thyroid health and promote tissue regeneration. Hence, if one frequently experiences bouts of fatigue, low energy levels, and depressed mood, then using photobiomodulation may help boost energy levels and mood.
The Bottom Line
Though severe thyroid issues like Hashimoto’s disease are not very common, minor thyroid problems are pretty common. Thyroid hormones play a critical role in regulating metabolism levels. Hence, even a slight decline in thyroid function causes fatigue, mood swings, lack of energy, and obesity.
Thyroid problems, whether minor or severe, tend to be chronic. In severe cases, people need hormone replacement therapy. However, for optimal energy, mood, and mental clarity, caring for thyroid health is vital even without an existing diagnosis.
Red light therapy is among the few treatments that help manage the root cause of the problem. It promotes regeneration of gland tissues and increases thyroid hormone levels naturally. This non-pharmacological therapy is safe for long-term use. For those seeking to increase energy, improve mood, or lose weight, red light therapy is worth considering.
[1] Taylor PN, Albrecht D, Scholz A, et al. Global epidemiology of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2018;14:301–316.
[2] Höfling DB, Chavantes MC, Juliano AG, et al. Low-level laser in the treatment of patients with hypothyroidism induced by chronic autoimmune thyroiditis: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Lasers Med Sci. 2013;28:743–753.
[3] Höfling DB, Chavantes MC, Juliano AG, et al. Assessment of the Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on the Thyroid Vascularization of Patients with Autoimmune Hypothyroidism by Color Doppler Ultrasound. ISRN Endocrinology. 2012;2012:1–9.